Time: Αυτοί είναι οι 100 άνθρωποι με τη μεγαλύτερη επιρροή στον κόσμο - Free Sunday
Time: Αυτοί είναι οι 100 άνθρωποι με τη μεγαλύτερη επιρροή στον κόσμο

Time: Αυτοί είναι οι 100 άνθρωποι με τη μεγαλύτερη επιρροή στον κόσμο

Το αμερικανικό περιοδικό έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα τα ονόματα εκείνων οι οποίοι θεωρεί ότι επηρεάζουν με το έργο τους τον πλανήτη, στη «νεαρότερη λίστα που φτιάχτηκε ποτέ» - οι 45 εξ αυτών είναι ηλικίας κάτω των 40 ετών. Εκεί, υπάρχει και ένας αριθμός-ρεκόρ γυναικών.Το αμερικανικό περιοδικό έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα τα ονόματα εκείνων οι οποίοι θεωρεί ότι επηρεάζουν με το έργο τους τον πλανήτη, στη «νεαρότερη λίστα που φτιάχτηκε ποτέ» - οι 45 εξ αυτών είναι ηλικίας κάτω των 40 ετών.

Εκεί, υπάρχει και ένας αριθμός-ρεκόρ γυναικών.

Ηγέτες, πολιτικοί, δημοσιογράφοι, ηθοποιοί, μουσικοί, σκηνοθέτες, αθλητές.

Ανθρωποι που με το έργο και τη ζωή τους αλλάζουν και επηρεάζουν τον κόσμο γύρω τους, αποτελώντας παράδειγμα.
Κάθε χρόνο, το περιοδικό ΤΙΜΕ δίνει στη δημοσιότητα τη δική του (αγγλοσαξονικής δημοσιογραφικής αύρας βεβαίως) λίστα με τους 100 πιο επιδραστικούς ανθρώπους της χρονιάς.

Eίναι εκείνοι οι άνθρωποι των οποίων οι πράξεις επηρεάζουν την ανθρωπότητα και καθορίζουν το παρόν και το μέλλον της.

Με βάση την κατηγοριοποίηση του περιοδικού είναι οι  πρωτοπόροι, οι Τιτάνες, οι καλλιτέχνες, οι ηγέτες, τα είδωλα.

«Οι 45 από τους 100 είναι ηλικίας κάτω των 40 ετών. Εχουμε επίσης τη 14χρονη Μίλι Μπόμπι Μπράουν, το νεαρότερο άτομο όχι μόνο στη φετινή λίστα, αλλά και που περιλήφθηκε ποτέ στο TIME 100. Νομίζω πως αυτό αντικατοπτρίζει τον μεταβαλλόμενο τρόπο που ασκείται η επιρροή στην κουλτούρα μας. Δεν γνωρίζει πλέον ταχυδρομικό κώδικα ή ηλικία» λέει ο Εντουαρντ Φέλσενθαλ, αρχισυντάκτης του περιοδικού.

Η Μίλι, την οποία γνωρίσαμε μέσα από τη σειρά «Stranger Things», έχει χρησιμοποιήσει πολλές φορές τα προσωπικά της social media προκειμένου να ταχθεί ενάντια στο μπούλινγκ, διοργανώνοντας μάλιστα και ανάλογες καμπάνιες, γεγονός που εκτόξευσε την εκτίμηση προς το άτομό της και τη δημοτικότητά της στα ύψη.

Αντίστοιχα, το μεγαλύτερο σε ηλικία άτομο της λίστας σε αυτό το τεύχος -το οποίο κυκλοφορεί στις 30 Απριλίου, με έξι εξώφυλλα-  είναι η 79χρονη Μαξίν Γουότερς, ένα ενεργό και ιδιαίτερα μαχητικό μέλος των Δημοκρατικών στη Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων των ΗΠΑ.

Η λίστα των (κατά το Time) 100 πιο επιδραστικών ανθρώπων περιλαμβάνει, επίσης, παγκόσμιους ηγέτες, ανάμεσά τους ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ και ο Κιμ Γιονγκ-Ουν.

Επίσης, έχει και δημοσιογράφους, όπως οι Τζόντι Κάντορ και Μέγκαν Τουόχι των New York Times, αλλά και ο Ρόναν Φάροου του New Yorker – οι οποίοι τιμήθηκαν για τα ρεπορτάζ τους  που οδήγησαν στην πτώση του μέχρι πρότινος παντοδύναμου Γουάινσταϊν.

Με αφορμή τη λίστα, το Time κυκλοφορεί με έξι διαφορετικά εξώφυλλα στα οποία πρωταγωνιστούν -ανάμεσα στους υπόλοιπους- η ηθοποιός Νικόλ Κίντμαν, η τραγουδίστρια Τζένιφερ Λόπεζ, η κωμικός Τίφανι Χάντις, ο CEO της Microsoft Σάτια Ναντέλα, ο πρωταθλητής του τένις Ρότζερ Φέντερερ και η Ταράνα Μπερκ, ιδρύτρια του κινήματος «Me Too».

Το περιοδικό ζήτησε από άλλους διάσημους να γράψουν μερικά λόγια για κάποιο άτομο της λίστας, όπως για παράδειγμα από τον πρώην αμερικανό πρόεδρο Μπαράκ Ομπάμα, ο οποίος έγραψε για τους επιζώντες της αιματηρής επίθεσης στο Πάρκλαντ.

Επίσης, η τραγουδίστρια Αντέλ για τη Ριάνα, η ηθοποιός Λουπίτα Νιόνγκο για τον Τρέβορ Νόουα.

H Ναόμι Γουότς για τη Νικόλ Κίντμαν, η Αν Χάθαγουεϊ για τον Χιου Τζάκμαν, ο σκηνοθέτης Στίβεν Σπίλμπεργκ για την Γκρέτα Γκέργουιγκ.

Ο Ελτον Τζον έγραψε για τον πρίγκιπα Χάρι, η ηθοποιός Πριγιάνκα Τσόπρα για τη Μέγκαν Μαρκλ (μνηστή του Χάρι) η Κριστίν Λαγκάρντ για τον Εμανουέλ Μακρόν, η τραγουδίστρια Σίντι Λόπερ για τη νεότερη συνάδελφό της Κέσα, o Μπιλ Γκέιτς της

Microsoft για τον τενίστα Ρότζερ Φέντερερ, η Σερ για τον Ανταμ Ρίπον, χορευτή καλλιτεχνικού πατινάζ.

Επίσης, η ηθοποιός Κέρι Ουάσινγκτον για την Τζένιφερ Λόπεζ και η επίσης ηθοποιός Ταράτζι Π. Χένσον για τη ράπερ Κάρντι Μπι.

@jlo became the first Latina actor to earn over $1 million for a film and the first woman to have a No. 1 album and a No. 1 movie in the same week. But, as @kerrywashington writes, Lopez—one of TIME’s 100 most influential people in the world—is also a mother, an entrepreneur, an activist, a designer, a beauty icon, a philanthropist and a producer. "She is an undeniable force and a powerful example—not just for women of color but for anyone who has been made to feel ‘other' and for everyone who carries the burden and the privilege of being a first,” Washington adds. In the beginning, Lopez tells TIME, she "wanted to do romantic comedies and just be the girl, not the Spanish girl or the Latina girl. I just wanted to be a person and never let anybody kind of pigeonhole me or put me in a box, like, you can't do this, or you can’t do that.” Every step of the way, “people try to do that to you—especially when you’re a woman.” Her hunger, she continues, is "not from ambition of wanting more. It’s an ambition of passion of doing what I love and seeing how many great things I can do in that sense. And *can* I do it? Or am I going to fall flat on my face? Maybe? Ok, next? What am I gonna do next?” See the full #TIME100 list at TIME.com/100.

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

On #BigLittleLies, @nicolekidman plays Celeste, a woman who is struggling to leave her abusive husband. As @naomiwatts writes about Kidman, one of TIME’s 100 most influential people in the world, “she fills her character with so much humanity, it is beyond unnerving. Her emotions. Her fragility. Her ferocity. Her subtlety. Her physicality. Her bravery.” Kidman grew up with a mother who took her to the Women’s Electoral Lobby, a group in Australia that works to improve the position of women in society. "I was a kid, I was really little, but I gleaned things even then and there was a huge room of women that were making changes. I remember it—and so much of it is about passing it on,” she tells TIME. "So much of what we’ve built comes from our friendships. The stories that we’re telling and the way in which we’re doing it creates opportunities for not only our generation but the generations to come.” See the full #TIME100 list at TIME.com/100. Video by @spencerbakalar and @dianetsai_ for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

@rogerfederer, as @thisisbillgates puts it, is the “greatest tennis player ever.” At age 36, Federer has 20 Grand Slam titles. But all those successes came with lessons along the way. "Sometimes you get unlucky. Sometimes your opponent’s better. Sometime’s it’s just not your day. You can’t win them all but at the same time, you can give all you have,” says Federer, one of TIME’s 100 most influential people in the world. "In the beginning of my career it was almost painful. You get disappointed, frustrated, play a terrible match… today I can analyze it much better in the very moment and I think, this is what experience is all about.” See the full #TIME100 list at TIME.com/100. Video by @spencerbakalar and @dianetsai_ for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

@tiffanyhaddish, whose gregarious exuberance and recent ascent to fame has made her a joy on the talk-show circuit, recently shared a couple @beyonce anecdotes with the kind of candor that's usually not seen by those who want to remain close to #Beyonce. But this is a decision that Haddish—one of TIME's 100 most influential people in the world—seems to believe merited a gentle warning from Beyoncé in the @djkhaled song "Top Off" with the line: "if they’re tryna party with the queen, they gon’ have to sign a nondisclosure." It’s totally possible that Beyoncé was being general, but here's what Haddish tells TIME: "I made it! I finally made it!” She continued: "It’s not all the NAACP awards, or people saying I’m the 'breakout star of the year,' or even being in this magazine—none of that counts. Beyoncé don’t put people names in her songs. But she said *my* name. I made it." See the full #TIME100 list at TIME.com/100. Video by @arpane, @spencerbakalar and @juliamarielull for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

This year’s #TIME100 honorees have found financial success by fronting blockbusters, winning Grand Slam titles and painting presidential portraits—but they still remember the thrill of receiving their first big paychecks. Fashion designer @csiriano opted to splurge on "fabulous furniture that I should not have bought … and maybe a really chic bag." Girls Trip standout @tiffanyhaddish used her first big check to open up a checking account and treat herself to a box of @snickers. For @jlo, who told TIME she grew up in the Bronx "and had holes in my shoes," each time she made money, "it was big to me." Hear from @nicolekidman, @kehindewiley and more, then check out the full list of the 100 most influential people in the world at TIME.com/100. Video by @spencerbakalar, @juliamarielull and @dianetsai_ for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

@jlo is one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018—and one of our six #TIME100 covers. "As a kid growing up in the Bronx," writes Emmy-nominated actor @kerrywashington, "I used to watch Jennifer Lopez from the wings. Several of us girls would hide in the folds of the curtains at the Boys & Girls Club to watch her perform. We were in awe of our neighborhood role model and phenom. When Jennifer left the Bronx to pursue her dreams, I would rush to finish my homework on Sunday to watch her on In Living Color. She made me believe that you could come from where we came from and achieve whatever you imagine is possible." Lopez became the first Latina actor to earn over $1 million for a film and the first woman to have a No. 1 album and a No. 1 movie in the same week. Adds Washington: "But she’s also a mother, an entrepreneur, an activist, a designer, a beauty icon, a philanthropist and a producer. She is an undeniable force and a powerful example—not just for women of color but for anyone who has been made to feel 'other' and for everyone who carries the burden and the privilege of being a first." See the full list at TIME.com/100. Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

Satya Nadella is one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018—and one of our six #TIME100 covers. Since becoming CEO of @microsoft in 2014, writes Walter Isaacson, a professor of history at Tulane University and a former managing editor of TIME, has restored the company’s spirit of innovation. Consider its new product strategy, which emphasizes cloud computing and allowing people to collaborate across platforms. Nadella also preaches the importance of empathy and making products that work reliably. The result is that in the four years since he inherited a sticky wicket, Microsoft’s market value has increased 130%. More important, the company is now making products that feel more user-friendly, empathetic and collaborative. See the full list at TIME.com/100. Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

@taranajaneen is one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018—and one of our six #TIME100 covers. When @gabunion first met Tarana Burke, who founded the #metoo movement in 2006, she found "a kindred spirit, somebody else who’s been screaming into the hurricane. Somebody else who’s been advocating for survivors of rape and sexual assault, and specifically young black women, whose voices have been silenced at best and completely erased from the national dialogue at worst." Adds Union, "When you’ve been sidelined for so long, it’s exhilarating to know that such a powerful voice is finally breaking through. Tarana will continue to do this work, but the stage will be bigger and the microphone turned all the way up. She will inspire legislation and new crops of voters. She will sway old voters. She will open eyes. She’s not even going to bring more seats to the table—she’s going to turn the table over and build a new one." See the full list at TIME.com/100. Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

@rogerfederer is one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018—and one of our six #TIME100 covers. "It’s no secret that Roger Federer is the greatest tennis player ever," writes @thisisbillgates, a co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. "But not as many fans know about what Roger is doing off the court." Twice, Gates writes, "I’ve had the thrill of being his doubles partner to help raise money for his foundation, and we’ve become friends in the process. I’ve learned how sincerely Roger and his team are working to improve the life prospects for poor children—a mission that stems from his childhood visits to his mother’s home country of South Africa and seeing extreme poverty firsthand." He adds: "Roger knows that effective philanthropy, like great tennis, requires discipline and time. It will be a sad day for all of us fans when he hangs up his racket—but we can take comfort in knowing that he’s committed to making the world a more equitable place." See the full list at TIME.com/100. Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

@nicolekidman is one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018—and one of our six #TIME100 covers. "Dead Calm was released in 1989. Big Little Lies was released in 2017. In the interim, Kidman has never once left our consciousness," writes @naomiwatts, the Oscar-nominated actor. "And even after decades, she continues to break new ground." Beyond being an outstanding actor, adds Watts, "Nicole has intelligence, compassion, kindness and humor that make her the epitome of a great woman and friend. There is no question that I and audiences the world over will continue to value and admire her for decades to come." See the full list at TIME.com/100. Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις

@tiffanyhaddish is one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2018—and one of our six #TIME100 covers. @kevinhart4real met her on the #comedy scene 13 years ago: "She was young, raw and funny, almost like she didn’t have a care in the world. But when I noticed her car was packed to the brim with her belongings," recalls the actor, who stars alongside Haddish in @nightschool (out Sept. 28), "I asked her if everything was O.K. That’s when I found out she was homeless and living in that car." Hart gave her $300—"it was all I had with me"—and handed it to her. "Now Tiffany is bringing a whole new level of fresh to the comedy scene. She’s just so authentic and unfiltered," he adds. "You never know what’s going to come out of her mouth. And you can tell she’s having fun—she’s seen a time when things couldn’t get any worse, and she’s giving it all she has." See the full list at TIME.com/100. Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη TIME (@time) στις